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2012 Winners

International Metallographic Contest

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Previous winners: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Best in Show - Jacquet-Lucas Award

Novel Shape Memory Alloy Nanowires
(research was conducted at Microscopy and Imaging Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX)

Dr. Zhiping Luo
Fayetteville State University

Class 1 Light Microscopy - Metal and Metal Alloys Only - sponsored by Struers, Inc.

First Place Place

Metallographic Analysis of an Explosive Valve
Lisa Deibler
Sandia National Laboratories

Second Place

no award

Third Place

no award

Honorable Mention

no award

Class 2 - All Other Materials - sponsored by Allied High Tech Products

no award

Class 3 Electron Microscopy - Transmission and Analytical

First Place

Novel Shape Memory Alloy Nanowires
(research was conducted at Microscopy and Imaging Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX)
Dr. Zhiping Luo
Fayetteville State University

Second Place

Forensic Analysis of Lead-Bearing Paint Chips
Steven Claves
Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corp

Third Place

Atomic Resolution Stem-XEDS Chemical Mapping of
Substitutional Dy Atoms in High Coercivity Nd-Fe-B Magnet

M. Itakura, S Matsumura, N Watanabe, M. Nishida, T. Daio
Kyushu University

Honorable Mention

no award

Class 4 Electron Microscopy Scanning

First Place

Kinking Deformation of a Ternary Carbide in High Temperature Creep in Air
Babak Anasori
Drexel University

Second Place

Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio GaAs Pores and Pillars using Anisotropic Chemical Etching
Kotaka Shunsuke, Hidetaka Asoh, Sachiko Ono
Kogakuin University

Third Place

no award

Honorable Mention

no award

Class 5 Color Microscopy

No entries

Class 6 The Dubose-Crouse Award for Unique, Unusual, and New Techniques in Microscopy - sponsored by Metallurgical Supply Company

No entries

Class 7 Undergraduate Student Entries - Metal and Metal Alloys Only - sponsored by Precision Surfaces International

First Place

Metallographic Analysis of a Canister of Buck Shot
Ross Cunningham, Thomas Pallotti, Anna Robertson
Lehigh University

Second Place

Metallographic Investigation of a TiCN Coated Cemented Carbide End Mill
James Hart, Anthony Ng
Lehigh University

Third Place

Metallographic Analysis of a Brass Tumbler Plug
Sabrina Moreira, Dan Enoch, Taylor McManus
Lehigh University

Honorable Mention

no award

Class 8 Undergraduate Student Entries - All Other Materials

No entries

Class 9 Artistic Microscopy - Black and White Only

First Place

Moth Antennae
Sheri Neva
SEAL Laboratories

Second Place

Giant Cave within a Jungle of Nickel-Copper Dendrites
Shaahin Amini, Reza Abbaschian
University of California Riverside

Third Place

Moth Plume Scales
Sheri Neva
SEAL Laboratories

Honorable Mention

no award

Class 10 Artistic Microscopy - Color Only - sponsored by ESI - Engineering and Scientific Investigation

First Place

Carbonic Orchid Formed by Graphite Crystals
Shaahin Amini, Reza Abbaschian
University of California Riverside

Second Place

Aluminum Bronze BA1044 Etched with Klemm III
Lukasz Boron
Foundry Research Institute

Third Place

no award

Honorable Mention

Miniature World of Anodic Titanium
Bo Chen
Virginia Tech

Class 11 Digital Microscopy Artistic

First Place

Metallic Giraffe Found Grazing on Microscopic Land of Ni-Al-C
Shaahin Amini, Reza Abbaschian
University of California Riverside

Second Place

Owlet Moth
heri Neva
SEAL Laboratories

Third Place

Mg Lava
Babak Anasori, Michel W. Barsoum
Drexel University

Honorable Mention

Kaleidoscope of Dendrites
Frauke Houge
Houge Metallography

For further information about the Contest, contact: Alice Kilgo (contest Chair), Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, MS0886, Albuquerque, NM 87185, Phone (505) 844-7634, Fax (505) 844-2974 ,
International Metallographic Society information is presented here as a service to visitors at is not affiliated with the IMS. If you have questions regarding the IMS (an affiliate society of ASM International), please email Sarina Pastoric, Administrator, IMS Services for ASM.
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